Here is Amelia, our first red Somali, at 11 weeks old. At this point she seems to be quite colorful. We think she shows a lot of promise, so she's staying here at Sunfox.
Grand Premier Sunfox Amelia Peabody
red female
This is a common pose for Amelia - she has an opinion on every subject and isn't shy about expressing it, which is how she got her name - Amelia Peabody is a character in a series of novels by Elizabeth Peters. Despite the gabbing, Amelia is a very sweet, happy kitten who loves to purr and play. We are looking forward to seeing Amelia develop and hope she will enjoy being a showcat like her parents.
For more photos of Amelia and her littermates as kittens, start here.
These photos of Amelia were taken at her very first cat show in Long Beach, California, at 4 months of age. I was so proud of her, but I should have realized she would do great as long as she had toys to play with!
This page was last updated on: March 20, 2007
The following photos were taken in October, 2002 .
Amelia is expecting her first litter of kittens at the end of May, 2003. She's very content being pregnant, and should make an excellent mother.
Amelia is no longer as opinionated as she once was. Like her mom Serena, she takes most things in stride. She does get quite talkative when I bring out her favorite toys, a toy bird or a feather on a string. Amelia takes no prisoners.
Update - Amelia had her first litter of kittens in May, 2003. Clickhere to see photos. Her second litter photos are here, and her final litter is here.
In April of 2006, Amelia earned the title of Grand Premier! We are very proud of Amelia. She really enjoys all the attention at the shows, and has been a great ambassador for her breed.
Although it will be very hard to part with her, we are looking for a new home for Amelia. We like to place our retired adult cats in homes where they can get lots more attention than they can here. Amelia will be sorely missed, but it's important that she have a home where she can be treated like the princess she is!
Finally, below is Amelia in January 2006, soon after she weaned her third litter and was spayed. Amelia was a wonderful mother, nurturing not only her own children but all the kittens and the other girls as well.