Here the kittens are on their birthday - 3 ruddy girls, one ruddy boy. Amelia and Zoom had 2 blues in the last litter, so we were really hoping for more blues - but what can you do? Amelia certainly loves them all the same!
Here they are at 2 weeks old. They are already pretty close to walking rather than crawling. Amelia wouldn't keep them in the kitten bed we normally use, she kept moving them onto the rug, so we just put up a little box for shelter from drafts and to give her a little more security. Since they are all ruddy, they are pretty difficult to tell apart. In another week or so, they will be old enough that I can put tiny collars on them so we can tell them apart for the photos. Then their personalities will start showing up more.
5 weeks old
At this age the kittens are really starting to develop their personalities. They are learning to eat and to use the litter box. They are learning to scratch and climb on cat furniture, and to play with toys on the floor. If I sit on the floor, they will come over to sit or play on my lap.
On the left is "Blackie", so called because the black coloring on her back, legs and tail is very dark. Usually a ruddy kitten with this much black will have very intense warm ruddy color. We shall see! She looks like the smallest but in weight she is heavier than the other girls.
On the right is the only boy in the litter. He loves to roll onto his back and play, and let me rub his belly. All the kittens are easy to handle - it's getting them to hold still for the camera that's hard!
On the left is "Fuzzy". We call her that because she has more coat than any of our kittens have had at this age. We don't know quite what that means, but it sure is cute! When Momma Amelia didn't feel well for a couple of days, I supplemented them with kitten formula. Fuzzy was the first to come into my lap to get fed. Smart baby.
Finally, here is our Big Girl. She actually looks the biggest, but by weight Blackie is bigger by a few grams. Like her brother she loves to play on her back and get belly rubs. She especially likes to pounce on the other kittens and roll around on the floor with them.
Photos and text copyright 2004, all rights reserved.
8 weeks old
The kittens are so big now! And getting into everything. Above left to right, Big Girl, Ruddy Boy, Fuzzy and Blacky. Same below with Big Girl in the back.
Below left to right are Blacky, the boy and Big Girl.