This is Phoebe, blue shorthaired female, now living the good life in Montecito, California. Click on the photo to see more about Pheobe. Updated October 2002.
This is Nino, ruddy Somali male, keeping his new family on their toes in Los Angeles, California. Click on the photo to see more about Nino.
This is Mikey, ruddy Somali male. He and his new playmate, an Egyptian Mau, keep their family entertained in San Diego, California.
Here is Pandy, ruddy Somali female. Pandy lives in West Los Angeles with a professor at UCLA.
This is Mia, blue Somali female, Zoom's littermate. Mia has gone to live in Studio City.
This is Rotja, ruddy female. Rotja is the foundation queen of our cattery, and is now living in San Jose, California.
This page was last updated on: September 26, 2009
This page has photos of Bastet, ruddy female, and her family in Long Beach, CA.
CH, PR Sunfox Zoom Zoom Zoom, ruddy Somali neuter lives in Sonoma County
GRP Sunfox Amelia Peabody, red female and her daughter Kismet live in Los Angeles
CH Sunfox Sweet Insanity,
(Kismet) blue Somali female lives with her mom, Amelia, above
CH Dushara Possible Water Sprite, ruddy spay
Sprite lives on an island in Washington State
PR Sunfox Turning Point of Pirouette, blue Somali neuter
Turner lives with his family in Missouri.
This is Geena who came to us from Finland and now lives in San Jose.
This is Spice who lives in Corona, CA. Look for Spice at a cat show near you in Summer 2009!
Sunfox Honey Bun
fawn Abyssinian variant
spay lives in Orange County, CA
Strazkatz Legally Blonde of Sunfox
fawn Abyssinian variant
GC, RW Sunfox Wild Blue Huckleberry, blue Somali neuter in Santa Rosa, CA