Here are more photos of our February 2005 litter
This is our little blue girl, we haven't named her yet and are calling her "Princess" - which she is!  She is a cute and busy busy busy little girl, with amazingly warm color.  I've rarely seen a blue kitten of this age with ticking, but this girl is already has it.  She is a very warm blue.

Unfortunately, this is the only decent photo of Princess we were able to get today.  She had lots of other things to do and no time to hang around and wait for that camera to flash!
12 weeks
This is our little blue boy, we are calling him Huckleberry.  Huck is a very sweet boy, equally interested in getting attention from me and playing with his sister and mom Xi'an.  He's a very flashy looking kitten, with very dark blue markings, especially on his face, and nice big ears.  Larger than his sister, his ticking is not developing as quickly as hers, but the warmth of his undercoat is coming in.
Huck is a very people-oriented little guy, he really enjoys greeting folks when they come over.

Lately the kittens are getting baths and taking trips in the car to prepare them for the "show cat" life, although only one of them will probably be shown.  Still, it's great for pet cats to feel comfortable in the carrier and the car, even if they won't be doing as much traveling as show cats.
See photos of these kittens from birth to 5 weeks.
See photos of these kittens from 6 to 9 weeks.
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This page was last updated: September 10, 2006
See photos of our blue boy, Huckleberry.