Here's Kelly, our first Somali, at about 7 months old.  Kelly is a great example of a blue Somali.  He has a very warm undercoat and apricot colored chest and belly, which contrast beautifully with his slate blue coat and allow his warm ticking to show through.  Kelly has a beautiful wedge-shaped head and tapering muzzle.  His is completely clear (has no stripes on his chest or legs).  Adult photos of Kelly are on his page.
On this page are kittens that have come to live at Sunfox. 
Here's Kelly at about 6 months old.  He is atop a 6 foot high entertainment center.  Somalis do like high places!
Here's another pic of Kelly at between 16 and 18 weeks.  He already looks like a smaller version of his adult self, except that his long coat hasn't yet come in.  But in all other respects, Kelly matured early.  Even at this age his ticking is very even - you can see the warmth showing through the dark gray that tips each hair.
This is Dusty at 11 weeks old.  Dusty has a great head and a very long body, tail and legs.  Dusty is very mischeivous - but also VERY affectionate.  Guess he thinks he has to make up for all the trouble he causes!  He's a real lap cat.  He has grown-up photos at his own page.
Sunfox Home
All material copyright Lee Dowding
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
All rights reserved.
This page was last updated on: May 26, 2014
Here are links to kittens born at Sunfox.  Scroll down to see kittens that have come to live with us.

Litter born May 2008
This is Dushara Possible Water Sprite of Sunfox, ruddy female, at 3 months old.  Now she has  her own page - and lots more photos!
Policies and availability
Litter born April 2004
This is Bluestream's Geena of Sunfox, blue kitten at 5 weeks old.  Geena came to us all the way from Finland, and she's been a joy to have around.  You can see more photos of Geena here and her first litter of kittens here.  More of Geena's kittens can be seen here.
This is Strazkatz Legally Blonde of Sunfox, fawn shorthair female, at 3 months old.  Blondie came to us from Chicago. 
Litter born June 2009
Litter born April 2002